Prologue : The hell every Fsc student has to go through
I applied to IEFR and got in.. As I look back at the weird rollercoaster ride that my last 6 months were, I kind of feel that it was that simple. But it wasn't. So here you go, a little prologue shedding some light on the events of the last year. Okay, let's see. I was, till yesterday, an Fsc student who had gotten admission nowhere. I was not accepted into med school, into veterinary school, into a pharmacy college, an agriculture university and a textile university. The only thing that I had to look forward now was to get into those BBA programs that literally every kothi calligde has nowadays.I did not want my brilliant mind that yearned to demystify the mathematical mysteries and delve into the anatomical analogies of the human body to go to waste by studying for four years for something that I did not like. So what option did I have left? Well ,it was easy, I had to "waste" another year of my life studying additional mathematics ( something the pre engineering students have as a major subject in their Fsc ) . I wont buttercoat it , those 4 months were monotonous as fuck, for want of a better word. I had to study calculus, algebra, trigonometry, geometry and practice them daily...The exams came sooner than expected. I gave them and then in the end, got 93 marks and I was like "what?". That being said I now had to give ECAT which stands for Engineering Colleges Admission Test. The test was shit, pardon my French, but it was. I got a 104 out of 400. Now I had applied to other places like FAST, NTU and NUST in Computer Sciences but none of them were really feasible for me. FAST was very far away from my home, so was NTU and NUST was in another city altogether, so all of them were a big NO. Time was running out and so were the options and I started to do what I was really good at its not what you think it is.... I started panicking, got all shivery and jittery. In my depressed condition I found something really awesome that solved all my problems.. NO, I don't mean marijuana, you judgmental reader!, I was going to say, I found the power of supplications and prayers. With every breathe I took, I prayed, "Ya Allah mera NFC mein Admission kra de, bsc hons comp science mein BBA mein ny!"
Well, I applied to IEFR and they took my application along with 2300 others. I had given first preference to Comp Science. My aggregate merit was not very high so it was all hanging by a thread on the tip of a knife ; Couldn't quite let go of the thread and couldn't quite lift my feet of the knife's tip. Those were some psychologically torturing times : picture SAW meets Friday the 13th...
One morose day I wake up and my mom, who was now hopeless that I had any chance of making it to any college, comes inside and says to me " There's a letter from IEFR, I didn't know you even applied there." I shrug and tear off the envelope and inside there's a letter saying I have been shortlisted in the admissions category for Bsc hons Comp Science / BBA .... SOB BBA was not leaving me alone and it made me angry, scared, frustrated and doubtful.. Oh and the letter also said to deposit the fees to secure my admission so I deposited 1,07,750 rupees not knowing whether I would be doing BBA or Comp Science.... It literally was a leap of faith to say the least. Now the nerve wrecking wait began for the merit list... "Oh my dear God, please help me!!!" that's what I always said whenever I felt doubt regarding my admission.
Now all the other admissions to other universities had closed which meant that if NFC rejected me I would waste another year, this time for real. All my other Fsc fellows were busy becoming engineers, doctors, pharmacists, Vets and Accountants, and here I was, still yearning to get admission..
Display Of Merit List
7th November 2014
I woke up with a sense of dread and my stomach never stopped lurching, I craved for a cigarette but since I had quit smoking this Ramazan, I decided to say " F**k it, Im not going to smoke" instead,
I went to IEFR and looked around for any signs of the merit list. Again it was delayed. God Bless Pakistan for having such slackers otherwise known as the members of the Admissions Committee. But thankfully it was delayed for only a few hours rather than a few days... I went into the mosque, prayed to Allah and asked Him to give me courage. Hannan, my friend from School had also showed up. His case was very filmi ; guy studying electrical engineering ,hating every moment of it, wants to study civil engineering, sits through the entry test again and finally achieves his dream of pursuing his dream. He and I wait for the merit list by playing table tennis, drinking lots of tea, eating pan masala and praying.. Then he and I spot a man with a lot of papers in his hand, students gathered around him like bees on a flower. He pins the merit list on the softboard and to my surprise, I am on the 12th number in the Bsc Hons Computer Science list... I scream " WOOOOHOOOO! DAKLHA HO GYA!!!! and as if it were a cue for the seniors to appear, they did, " han bhai kitne no. pe aye, kis department mein hua admission? Treat do ,ao ragging krein, ao ye kro vo kro," I don't listen to them instead I call my mom and dad and tell them the good news. Hannan and I hug each other for having gotten admission! I offer two ra'kat for thanking Allah and then asked for even more blessings from Him.
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The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department where hopefully I will make memories worth remembering. |
Ok, so now that I have gotten admission and have actually something to write about, I sure shall start doing so. In fact I shall write the happenings of every single day I spend in NFC for the next four years. So here's to College! Here's to hoping that I study hard! Here's to my parents and teachers who made this possible for me! Here's to God Himself, the Grand Planner and the Nurturer! Allah Hafiz people, Adios!
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