Thursday, December 4, 2014

My NFC! Me familia! Me gusta very very!

My NFC for me is like my own Hogwarts, my Xavier Academy, my Winterfell, my Hobbiton , my Narnia and my Tortuga. Yes I am it's Harry Potter, it's Wolverine, it's Bran Stark, it's Frodo Baggins, it's Aslan and it's Jack Sparrow. I say all of this not out of sentiment, but out of love and respect for the place. This place has  in the two weeks, that I have spent here (and hopefully in the coming four years) given me what I always wanted. Acceptance! I am accepted as a member of the IEFR student community. I have been made the CR of my class, I am studying the course of my choice and for the first time in forever I am excelling at something. It's like having found out, "Y'er a Wizard 'Arry!," or that I have some mutant superpowers like those of Logan in X-men.
My class fellows are extremely nice kids. The girls are pretty and the boys are witty and that is all that matters to me. The teachers are awesome, particularly Sir Dr. M. Yousuf and Sir Omair who I have decided are going to be my favorites, and are still now!
In the beginning I had a bit of a falling out with Ma'am Saira of Programming Fundamentals but it's all B'seder now, to put it in Yiddish. lahowl.
What with the assignments and the co-ed classes and the State of the Art Labs, everything feels "Amerikkan". But I like it. The only subject I was a little afraid to study was Calculus but it's okay now, since Sir Tabir Lodhi is a really nice teacher. Ma'am Humera teaches Pak Studies and Sir Qari Tahir teaches Islamiyat. Both are cool, real cool.
My seniors are so helpful, beautiful and resourceful that I feel so much more comfortable when I am with them. Zeeshan bhai ,Bilal bhai, Rana Sahib and some other dudes are really helping me out.
Programming which was and is my passion is what puts the Science in Computer Science. I am a natural at it. No Kidding, I am really! Other than that, the staff  are helpful too.
To summarize all of that I must say that I can relate to Leonardo Di Caprio and I do feel like sayin "I am the king of the World!!!!." There, I just said it. Okay everybody, Gutten Nukht, the Ibsta-meister takes leave! Keep on rocking the party house y'all! Ima play some video games and stuff :

Time flies when you're having fun!